Thursday, 21 June 2012

Cherie Blair, a Vituperate Harridan.

Children thrive when cared for by mummy and not shoved into "care"..

Trying to find anything complimentary about the harridan Blair is a bit of an ask. Not only is this female an elite, it presumes to lecture and give advice where none is asked or ever warranted. Not from that obnoxious harpie. As a member of a hate movement, Blair just cannot see anything from a common POV. All it ever sees is it's own privileged lifestyle and copious income as being a vessel to flog her incompetent and irrelevant rants whenever it feels the need..

Cherie Blair, has-been and done.

Does anyone ever listen to this misanthrope, absolutely not, one would receive better advice from a blind Shaman, snorting glue. Blair's irrelevance is keenly demonstrated with this article and also demonstrates how out of touch this viper or better still, this vituperate (look that up), has-been, really is. It just doesn't know when to the stfu.

Most women would rather be yummy mummies than Cherie Blairs 

By Last updated: June 20th, 2012

Cherie Blair is hogging the headlines again. Recently she complained that women were too nice to ask for a pay rise. Now, she's striking out at yummy mummies who stay at home to raise their children rather than get themselves a lucrative job (as, say, a QC). Silly girls, Cherie the Silk scolds them, if you don't earn your keep, you'll have to depend on a MAN!
I don't know about the particulars of Cherie's own domestic arrangements: relying on a globe-trotting Ambassador of Peace would not be a shrewd move for any mummy, yummy or not. What I do know is that her latest salvo is in tune with everything else Cherie Blair has ever said about women. Let Tony vacillate, like a reed in the wind; his wife stands firm and rocklike on a number of principles. Chief among them is a certain kind of feminism.
What I call alpha feminism is preached and promoted by a group of vocal, high-profile career women. They are blessed with excellent education, self-belief (at least of the professional kind) and a dazzling career. They rate their families and even in some instances their husbands – but they strive for autonomy (I can live without him/them).
It's great, if you belong to this elite. The only problem is, if you don't, they won't leave you alone. Alpha feminists want to be free to do as they please – shine professionally, stick two fingers up at marriage, whatever; but they don't want other women to be free to choose their own path. No: there is one way, and it's my way, proclaim the Cheries of this world. Ordinary women, those who have a job not a career, believe in personal interdependence rather than autonomy, and want to raise their own children rather than hand them over to Nanny (or Granny), must do their sisters' bidding. Under the alpha-feminist regime, women who choose an alternative lifestyle are traitors to the cause. The yummy mummy who married well and is whiling away her mornings at Starbucks after having dropped off the kids at school in her Chelsea tractor, is particularly vilified. Even the most self-absorbed alpha feminist senses that not all women boast the education or personal skills to climb to the top; but yummy mummies are usually well-educated and employable. So why do they leave even the best careers to raise their own children? Why do they "waste" their time baking cupcakes for the school fete, keeping their toned bodies flexible with pilates and cooking sumptuous dinners for a MAN?
The elite grab the mics and the headlines. This means anyone paying attention will think that their values are common values.
Not one bit of it, as I discovered when researching a pamphlet on working women for the Centre for Policy Studies. The majority of women don't have a glittering highly remunerative career; their work is drudge work, and often their earnings do not cover childcare. But even those who are potential Cheries – Oxbridge-educated high-fliers – don't choose to go down her route. They'd rather be yummy mummies than Cherie Blairs. They prefer sacrificing the corner office to the chance to raise their own children. They prefer a tight-knit couple where each partner relies on the other, to a marriage of two self-sufficient earners with an "I don't need you anyway" attitude.
Alpha feminists abhor such values: they keep women from reaching their potential. Perhaps – but which potential? Professional or personal? For many women, personal happiness is more important than professional success. They invest their time and skills accordingly. I don't think they're wrong, but I do think it would be wrong for the elite (whether female or male) to impose its priorities on them.
There will always be a group of ambitious professionals, men and women, who reach for the stars. That's fine, as long as they allow the rest of us on the ground to bump along as we choose.

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